Project "Creating paper" in media design
Where would our media designers be without paper as a raw material? In order to get to the bottom of paper production - or in this case the upcycling of waste paper - our vocational school teacher Harry Morrison tackled the project "Creating Paper" with his class. Not only his own participants were enthusiastic. Participants from other areas and some employees also took the opportunity to make their own paper.
What materials were needed? First, of course, you need waste paper, a scooping frame and a large tub, a small bucket and a blender to make the pulp (water-paper mixture), wooden boards or tea towels, and a press. Conveniently, the project was able to take place outdoors in beautiful summer weather
Our participants tore newspaper into small pieces, mixed it with warm water in a blender to make a pulp, and added it to the tub. Then each:r was allowed to use the scooping frame to collect pulp for their own paper. Those who wanted to, still spontaneously went in search of pretty flowers to decorate the paper.
The scooping frame with the wet paper was then dropped onto a wooden board, dabbed with a cloth and carefully removed. After all participants and employees had scooped their paper, the surplus water was finally pressed out of the papers using a press before the individual sheets could dry in the sun.
Everyone involved in the project had so much fun that the media designers will also be offering our visitors the "Paper Scooping" activity on our Open House Day. In addition, our guests will even be able to use the paper they have created in advance for further design work and try out various print templates.