Arriving by car

Please enter a start address for your driving directions to the Euro-BBW in Bitburg:

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Please use Google Maps for a detailed description (see above) or call us for further information.

The closest motorway (Autobahn) coming from Belgium/Netherlands is the E42/A60.

  • take the slip road to Bitburg
  • follow directions on the B51 until you reach Bitburg
  • take the exit to "Bitburg Saarstraße" (direction of city centre)
  • follow the sign posts to the Euro-BBW
  • at the roundabout follow the sign posts (turn into Echternacher Straße)
  • at the second roundabout turn into "Mötscher Straße"
  • turn left into Henry-Dunant-Straße

Coming from the direction of France, Saarbrücken oder Frankfurt, you'll probably use the E44/A64.

  • take the slip road to Bitburg
  • follow directions on the B51 until you reach Bitburg
  • take the exit to "Bitburg-Süd"
  • at the roundabout follow the sign posts to the Euro-BBW
  • turn left into Mötscher Straße
  • turn right into Henry-Dunant-Straße