Offers and actions on the open day
As already announced, after a longer break, the European Vocational Training Center is finally holding an open day again next Sunday, September 17, 2023. Between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., we will present the apprenticeships offered, current projects and the special features of our facility, offer numerous play and craft stations and, of course, culinary delicacies. Those who follow the Euro-BBW in the social media are already informed about one or the other action offered by the individual areas. We now also summarize some of the offers here:
The IT department will be using older and modern computers and game consoles for a kind of "time travel through computer history", where our guests can actively play on the older devices. There will also be projects on artificial intelligence, a house rally using QR codes, a quiz and a train that can be controlled by cell phone or tablet.
In the carpentry workshop, our visitors can mill a heart on the CNC machine or try their luck at wooden patience games. In the media design department, our guests can create and print their own paper and participate in the "Why are we creative?" exhibition. In the "Biscuit Box", there is the opportunity to take part in a digital city tour and hotel tour with the prospective tourism clerks and clerks for tourism and leisure, or in crash courses in MS Word and Excel, in an office quest or in can throwing with our clerks for office management. Our colleagues from the gardening and landscaping department offer a mobile bowling alley and an activity course.
In the leisure center area, archery, face painting for children, a balloon pool, creative and sensory activities, and fun and games in the bistro will be offered. We are also pleased that the "Nengshof" from Wißmannsdorf supports us with two horses and offers guided riding tours. Traditionally, a residential group in the boarding school can also be visited to get an insight into "life" at the Euro-BBW.
Those who want to use their visit to the Euro-BBW for shopping will also get their money's worth: for sale will be colorful autumn plants, products from our tea and egg store (even special products made for the occasion), as well as a book and game flea market.
Those who mainly want to learn about the work and projects of the Euro-BBW will have plenty of opportunity to do so on Sunday: Many areas such as the medical service, the human resources department or the vocational school (including the bee project, European projects) will present their work at information booths and offer suitable hands-on activities. In addition, guided tours of the Euro-BBW building ensemble will take place at regular intervals.
Our cafeteria will be serving a meal at family-friendly prices at lunchtime, and there will also be fresh potato pancakes and boiled sausages as well as homemade cakes, coffee specialties and colorful cocktails.
Musically, we have also put together a nice program: For the "Frühschoppen", the Bitburg Municipal Music Association will entertain us, followed by our Euro-BBW house band around residential group supervisor Florian Boos, and in the afternoon we will rock with "Flott Fott" to well-known rock songs and evergreens, with the difference that they are all rewritten in Eifeler Platt.
There is plenty of parking space available on our own grounds. The participants and employees of the Euro-BBW are looking forward to many visitors and a nice day!