New participant representation at the Euro-BBW

At the beginning of December, the routine election of the seven-member representation of participants in the Euro-BBW took place. The offices were now handed over at the constituent meeting on Wednesday: Dylan Klesper is now the new chairperson of the Euro-BBW participant representation, replacing the previous chairperson Sabrina Schmitz, who is now concentrating on completing her training in the summer. We congratulate all elected members and wish them every success in their work!

P.S. The Participant Representation Committee (TNV) at Euro-BBW represents the interests of all participants in various measures and works on the basis of SGB IX and jointly developed participant representation regulations. The TNV consists of seven members at the European Vocational Training Center, whereby the student representative, who is elected in accordance with the provisions of Rhineland-Palatinate school law, is also automatically a member.