Application for ERASMUS accreditation approved!

After the Euro-BBW submitted an application to the ERASMUS accreditation programme in the area of vocational education and training in autumn 2020, this application has now been approved by the National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training! The expert report on which this approval is based upon confirms that our proposed Erasmus plan is "coherent and clearly formulated and very much in line with the internationalisation strategy" of the Euro-BBW.

The accreditation of the Euro-BBW starts on 1 March 2021 and ends at the end of 2027 and can be seen as a successor to the Mobility Charter. The accreditation does not provide any financial subsidies. Rather, it is about promoting Erasmus+ mobilities in an uncomplicated and long-term manner, which for us means simplified access to funding opportunities and a longer-term perspective and planning security.

Another aim of Erasmus+ accreditation is to broaden the Erasmus community and make it more inclusive, so that stays abroad are realistic for all learners and teachers in VET.

The Euro-BBW is very happy about the accreditation and hopes to be able to offer exchanges again in the foreseeable future.

Background: Erasmus+ is the EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport (2014-2020). Erasmus+ focuses on promoting learning mobility and transnational cooperation.