
The Euro-BBW supports their trainees integration into the employment sector from the course beginning to its end and also throughout the first year after qualifying.

A team of specialists with a background of business economics and socialstudies...

  • offers career guidance to trainees, helping to develop a solid professional perspective.
  • annually organises and prepares two several weeks long work experience phases in external businesses with the individual trainee, and accompanies each trainee throughout their work experience (placements can take place in the region surrounding the Euro-BBW, in the trainee's home region or abroad).
  • works together with the business to assess the work experience placement.
  • stays constantly in contact with those involved in the development process to co-ordinnate the co-operative efforts.
  • coaches specific situations during an interview and conveys job application strategies (in co-operation with external experts).
  • fosters and develops a wide network of businesses inland and abroad, co-operating with specialist services for integration and job centers.
  • organises information events for businesses and job centers.
  • takes care that person, job and business are suited to each other to the best possible degree.
  • consults businesses on the financial assistance available for the integration into employment.
  • assists the qualified trainee and the respective business during the initial phase of employment or during a further job search, up to twelve months after completing training if desired.
  • fosters the exchange of information between previous and current Euro-BBW trainees.

We are committed to trying out new ways to improve our trainees' integration chances. Thus we are currently involved in the nationwide projects VAmB - Verzahnte Ausbildung von Berufsbildungswerken mit Betrieben (Intermeshed training from vocational colleges with businesses), introducing the participant to the business reality in the primary labour market through long-term work experience placements, 

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