Donations handed over to "Villa Kunterbunt"

The two dates of the book exchange, which was planned and organised as a vocational school project of our tourism trainees (TK / KTF 18), have passed in the meantime and the collected donations have been gathered and counted.

The action was worthwhile: The book exchange and the donation box brought in an amount of over 730 euros. These proceeds were earmarked as a donation for the "Villa Kunterbunt" in Trier, which cares for seriously ill children and their families during aftercare and rehabilitation following a treatment. This week, three of our trainees from the tourism sector went to Trier together with their vocational school teacher, Ralf Teicher, to hand over the collected donations.

The director of the facility, Dr. Christoph Block, as well as the public relations officer, Mrs. Ballas, were very pleased and thanked our tourism trainees for the successful campaign.